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Group Business Overhead Expense

Helps pay your practice expenses if a disability keeps you from working


Group Business Overhead Expense

Would your practice have the cash flow it needs to cover expenses if an accidental injury or a serious illness kept you from seeing patients?


How to help keep your practice running if you can’t work
What if you were seriously injured in a car accident? As a business owner, you’d have more to worry about than just the impact on your paycheck if an illness or injury kept you from working.

You’d need a safety net for your practice as well. Help paying business expenses like rent on your office … employees’ salaries … utilities … equipment rental … and much more.

That’s where the AOA Group Business Overhead Expense Insurance (underwritten by New York Life Insurance Company) comes in. This program for doctors of optometry gives you a “just-in-case” financial cushion to help you cover business expenses when a disability keeps you from working.

Monthly Benefits up to $15,000.00 Available
Office expenses keep coming in, even if you can’t take care of patients due to an accident or illness. So the AOA set up the Group Business Overhead Expense Insurance to help your practice maintain its cash flow if you were totally disabled. As a result, your practice would have valuable financial assistance if you needed extra time to get back to working your regular schedule.

Benefits paid if you can’t work as an optometrist
As a doctor of optometry, you’ve worked to build a practice using your training and eye care expertise. That’s why the AOA made sure this coverage starts paying benefits if you can’t work in your OCCUPATION. (Other business overhead expense plans may only pay if you can’t work in ANY occupation. It’s an important distinction to keep in mind.)

Printable Application


Up to $15,000.00 a month to cover business expenses
As an AOA Member under age 65 working at least 20 hours a week, residing in the US (excluding NH, VT and territories) you can now apply for up to $15,000.00 monthly benefits in the AOA Group Business Overhead Expense Insurance.

Help paying your office expenses if you can’t work
If an illness or injury means you can’t work as a doctor of optometry, the AOA Group Business Overhead Expense Insurance can help you maintain your practice’s cash flow with up to $15,000.00 a month … paid directly to you for up to 18 months. You can use your Business Overhead Expense benefits to cover:

  • Rent or the mortgage on your office
  • Utilities like electricity, heat, water and the phone
  • Employee salaries
  • Payments for group insurance and pension plans
  • Real estate taxes or property taxes
  • Rental of business equipment (except for automobiles)
  • And other normal and customary fixed expenses necessary to operate your practice

You owe no premiums if you’re disabled and collecting benefits
If a sickness or illness or injury leaves you totally disabled and unable to work as a doctor of optometry, we’ll waive any further premium payments after you’ve been totally disabled for four consecutive months. Your coverage will remain in full force as long as your disability continues from that injury or sickness.

Collect again if your disability comes back
It’s not unusual to recover from a disability … go back to work … and then find your disability once again prevents you from performing your duties as a doctor of optometry. So the AOA Group Business Overhead Expense Insurance gives you benefits for these types of situations.

After you meet your original elimination period (the waiting period before benefits begin) for a disability, any disability due to the same or related medical causes will be treated as one continuous period of disability. That means your disability benefits can start again … right away … if you become disabled again after working for a little while if you were back at continuous full time work for LESS than three months. If you worked for three months or more, you will need to satisfy the elimination period again before disability benefits can resume and it will be considered a separate period of disability.

Benefits for organ donors
If you suffer a covered disability as result of a kidney, liver, lung, skin or bone marrow donation, and can’t work due to the transplant surgery, your AOA Business Overhead Expense benefits can still help cover your office expenses. Due to your generosity in donating an organ, the elimination period (waiting period before benefits begin) will be waived and you can collect benefits immediately for up to 12 months. This transplant benefit can only be payable once for each covered member.

Printable Application


This important business coverage may stand as an excellent value for doctors of optometry. That’s because the AOA leveraged the group buying power of more than 25,000 members … practicing across the country … to negotiate group rates.

Current AOA Group Business Office Overhead Expense Insurance 2022 – 2023 Monthly Rates

Age $1,000.00 $2,500.00 $5,000.00 $7,500.00 $15,000.00
15-day wait 30-day wait 15-day wait 30-day wait 15-day wait 30-day wait 15-day wait 30-day wait 15-day wait 30-day wait
Under 34 $8.10 $6.30 $20.25 $15.75 $40.50 $31.50 $60.75 $47.25 $121.50 $94.50
35-39 $9.23 $3.98 $23.06 $17.44 $46.13 $35.88 $69.19 $52.31 $138.38 $104.63
40-44 $10.13 $7.88 $25.31 $19.69 $50.63 $39.38 $75.94 $59.06 $151.88 $118.13
45-49 $11.25 $8.33 $28.13 $20.81 $56.25 $41.63 $84.38 $62.44 $168.75 $124.88
50-54 $14.40 $10.13 $36.00 $25.31 $72.00 $50.63 $108.00 $75.94 $216.00 $151.88
55-59 $15.53 $11.25 $38.81 $28.13 $77.63 $56.25 $116.44 $84.38 $232.88 $168.75
60-64 $22.73 $17.78 $56.81 $44.44 $113.63 $88.88 $170.44 $133.31 4340.88 $266.63
65-69* $25.40 $19.80 $63.50 $49.50 $127.00 $99.00 $190.05 $148.50 $381.00 $297.00
*Renewal only. Billed rates may differ slightly due to rounding

Rates shown above are monthly. You will be billed on a semi-annual basis.

If you would like a rate quote on a benefit amount not shown, please call 1-866-331-0180.

At age 70, insured members are transferred into the senior coverage.

Premium is $3.172 per $100.

The premium contributions shown reflect the current rate and benefit structure. Premiums increase on the premium due date coinciding with or next following the date that a member enters a new age bracket. Premium contributions may be changed by New York Life Insurance Company on any premium due date and any date on which benefits are changed. However; your rates may change only if they are changed for all others in the same class of insureds under this group policy. For example, a class of insureds is a group of people all with the same issue age, waiting period, and benefit option. Amounts are not guaranteed and are subject to change by agreement between New York Life Insurance Company and the AOA.

Printable Application


What types of business expenses will this AOA Group Business Overhead Expense insurance cover?

The AOA’s Group Business Overhead Expense delivers valuable benefits to help you cover practice expenses such as:

  • Rent or the mortgage on your office
  • Utilities like electricity, heat, water and the phone
  • Employee salaries
  • Payments for group insurance and pension plans
  • Real estate taxes or property taxes
  • Rental of business equipment (except for automobiles)
  • And other normal and customary fixed expenses necessary to operate your practice

Please refer to the Terms tab for more information on exclusions and limitations.

What types of disability can I collect these business expense benefits for?
The AOA Group Business Overhead Expense Insurance pays valuable benefits if a covered injury or illness leaves you totally disabled and unable to perform the material and substantial duties of your occupation. You must also be under the regular care of a physician. Material and substantial duties are those that are normally required in your occupation and cannot be reasonably omitted or modified.

Will I have to pay premiums while I’m disabled?
No. After four months of total disability, we will waive any further premiums that come due. Your business overhead expense benefits will continue in full force as long as you remain disabled from that injury or sickness.

See certificate for information.

Printable Application


Effective Date of Coverage: Insurance will take effect on the first of the month on or following the date your application is approved by New York Life Insurance Company, provided the initial contribution is paid within 31 days after you are billed and any person to be insured is actively at work performing normal activities of a person in good health of like age on the day of approval. If any dependent proposed for coverage is not performing his/her normal activities as required, coverage will not take effect until he/she is performing such activities provided such date is within three months after the date insurance would have been effective and the person is still eligible.

When Coverage Ends: Coverage will end when the insured person reaches age 75, or earlier if: (a) the premiums are not paid when due, (b) the AOA membership ends, (c) the group coverage is terminated or modified by the policyholder or New York Life Insurance to end insurance for the group of insureds to which the member belongs, (d) When you begin active duty in the armed forces (e) if the insured requests to terminate insurance, and (f) the date the insured person no longer incurs Covered Expenses for Business Overhead Expense Insurance due to the dissolution of his/her association with the business office facility on which benefit payment is based.

This website contains only a general description of the principal provisions, definitions and limitations of the insurance. The complete terms and conditions are set forth in the Group Policy issued by New York Life Insurance Company for the members of the AOA under Group Policy G-29336-3. Please refer to the Certificate of Insurance used to all approved insureds.


The AOA Group Business Overhead Expense Insurance does not cover and we will not pay a benefit for any loss or disability: 1) due to engagement in an act or accident of war or act of war, other than as a victim, an armed conflict which involves the armed forces of one or more countries.2) due to an act of suicide while sane or intentionally self-inflicted injury while sane; 3) due to participation in a felony; an illegal occupation or activity; an insurrection; terrorist activity; or a riot. 4) due to pregnancy (except that Complications of Pregnancy are covered); 5) due to injury sustained during travel in, travel on, fall from or descent from any aircraft while such aircraft is in flight unless the INSURED MEMBER is traveling: (a) solely as a fare paying passenger on a licensed, commercial, regularly scheduled, non-military aircraft; or (b) in a civil aircraft having a current and valid “Standard Federal Aviation Agency Airworthiness Certificate” and piloted by a person with a current and valid pilot’s certificate with proper ratings for the type of flight and aircraft involved. 6) A disability that is due to or related to service in the military, naval or air force of any country, alliance or international organization or in a civilian unit which serves such force.

Impairment Restriction means a disability that is due to or related to a condition which has an Impairment Restriction. However, at any time and at his or her own expense, the INSURED MEMBER can give medical evidence of insurability for a condition which has an Impairment Restriction. After review of such evidence, New York Life will determine: (a) if and when such Impairment Restriction should be removed or liberalized or (b) if it should be continued. “Impairment Restriction” means an exclusion or limitation of insurance on an INSURED MEMBER. An Impairment Restriction will be: (a) established by New York Life; and (b) continued by New York Life if it is in effect on the day before; (1) the INSURED MEMBER becomes insured under the Policy; or (2) a change in insurance takes effect; whether or not satisfactory medical evidence of insurability is furnished or medical evidence of insurability of required. All Impairments Restrictions are stated in the certificate. Insurance with such Impairment Restrictions is subject to the APPLICANTS acceptance. Payment of one CONTRIBUTION after the INSURED MEMBER is advised of the Impairment Restrictions will establish such acceptance.

Excluded expenses include:
Employees Salaries: The salaries of individuals hired after the insured’s total disability began.

Personal Expenses: The personal expenses of the insured, including but not limited to any of the following: (a) the insured’s salary, fees, income taxes, drawing account or any other remuneration; or (b) charitable contributions.

Professional Services: The salaries of or fees paid to other individuals in the same occupation as the insured for professional services.

Purchases: The cost of: (a) office equipment, goods, wares or merchandise of any nature; or (b) any and every item used by the insured in his or her normal occupation.

Repayment Of Loan Principal: The repayment of the principal on a loan and/or mortgage.

The listing of your coverage including exclusions or limitations can be found in the group policy/certificate. If differences exist between this summary and the policy/certificate, the policy/certificate will govern. This program may vary and may not be available to residents of all states. Additional exclusions may apply as a condition of approval of your application for coverage.

Important Definitions

Total Disability means one that begins while insured and continuously disables he/she so that he/she is unable to perform all the substantial and material duties of his/her occupation. Also, he/she must be under a doctor’s regular care and not working at any gainful occupation for wage or profit.

A loss of license, in and of itself, does not constitute an incapacity that prevents the insured member from doing the material and substantial duties of his/her occupation and will not be deemed a total disability.

Successive Periods of Disability will be considered one period of disability if such disabilities are due to the same or related causes, and which are separated by less than three months of return to continuous full-time work during which you are not totally disabled or different or unrelated causes are not separated by return to full-time work.

Full-time work means the active performance for pay or profit of the regular duties of one’s normal occupation on a basis of 20 hours per week at a place where such duties are normally performed or other location to which travel is required.

Important Information from New York Life Insurance Company

New York Life Insurance Company reserves the right to request medical information to determine applicant’s medical eligibility for coverage. Based on the age of the person proposed for insurance and the amount of coverage requested, a physical examination, EKG, blood test or other information may be required. Not all applicants will have to supply additional information. However, if it is required, New York Life will arrange for an independent professional paramedic to contact you to perform these simple tests at your convenience. The exam and blood test are free-of-charge.

If we can provide the coverage you requested, we will inform you as to when such coverage will be effective. Under no circumstances will coverage be effective prior to this date. Payment of a premium contribution with your application does not mean that there is any insurance in force before the effective date as determined by New York Life.


How New York Life Obtains Information and Underwrites Your Request For Group Business Overhead Expense Insurance
In this notice, references to “you” and “your” include any person proposed for insurance. Information regarding insurability will be treated as confidential. In considering whether the person(s) in your request for insurance qualify for insurance , we will rely on the medical information you provide, and on the information you AUTHORIZE us to obtain from your physician, other medical practitioners and facilities, other insurance companies to which you have applied for insurance and MIB, Inc. (“MIB”). MIB is a not-for-profit organization of insurance companies, which operates an information exchange on behalf of its members. If you apply for life or health insurance coverage, a claim for benefits is submitted to an MIB member company, medical or non- medical information may be given to MIB, and such information may then be furnished by MIB, upon request, to a member company.

Your AUTHORIZATION may be used for a period of 24 months from the date you signed the application for insurance, unless sooner revoked. The AUTHORIZATION may be revoked at any time by notifying New York Life in writing at the address provided. Your revocation will not be effective to the extent New York Life or any other person already has disclosed or collected information or taken other action in reliance on it, or to the extent that New York Life has a legal right to contest a claim under an insurance certificate or the certificate itself. The information New York Life obtains through your AUTHORIZATION may become subject to further disclosure. For example, New York Life may be required to provide it to insurance, regulatory or other government agencies. In this case, the information may no longer be protected by the rules governing your AUTHORIZATION.

MIB and other insurance companies may also furnish New York Life, its subsidiaries or the Plan Administrator with non-medical information (such as driving records, past convictions, hazardous sport or aviation activity, use of alcohol or drugs, and other applications for insurance). The information provided may include information that may predate the time frame stated on the medical questions section, if any, on this application. This information may be used during the underwriting and claims processes, where permitted by law.

New York Life may release this information to the Plan Administrator, other insurance companies to which you may apply for life and health insurance, or to which a claim for benefits may be submitted and to others whom you authorize in writing, however, this will not be done in connection with test results concerning Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). We may also make a brief report of your protected health information to MIB, but we will not disclose our underwriting decision.

New York Life will not disclose such information to anyone except those you authorize or where required or permitted by law. Information in our files may be seen by New York Life and Plan Administrator employees, but only on a “need to know” basis in considering your request. Upon receipt of all requested information, we will make a determination as to whether your request for insurance can be approved.

If we cannot provide the coverage you requested, we will tell you why. If you feel our information is inaccurate, you will be given a chance to correct or complete the information in our files. Upon written request to New York Life or MIB, you will be provided with non-medical information. Generally, medical information will be given either directly to the proposed insured or to a medical professional designated by the proposed insured. Your request is handled in accordance with the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act procedures. If you question the accuracy of the information provided by MIB, you may contact MIB and seek a correction. MIB’s information office is: MIB, Inc., 50 Braintree Hill Park, Suite 400, Braintree, MA 02184-8734, telephone 866- 692-6901. For Canadian residents, the address is: MIB Information Office, 330 University Avenue, Suite 501, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 1R7, telephone 416-597-0590. Information for consumers about MIB may be obtained on its website at

For NM Residents: PROTECTED PERSONS 1 have a right of access to certain CONFIDENTIAL ABUSE INFORMATION2 we maintain in our files and they may choose to receive such information directly. You have the right to register as a PROTECTED PERSON by sending a signed request to the Administrator at the address listed on the application. Please include your full name, date of birth and address.

1 PROTECTED PERSON means a victim of domestic abuse: who has notified us that he/she is or has been a victim of domestic abuse; and who is an insured person or prospective insured person.

2CONFIDENTIAL ABUSE INFORMATION means information about: acts of domestic abuse or abuse status; the work or home address or telephone number of a victim of domestic abuse; or the status of an applicant or insured as family member, employer or associate of a victim of domestic abuse or a person with whom an applicant or insured is known to have a direct, close, personal, family or abuse-related relationship.

New York Life Insurance Company 8.12 ed.

If we can provide the coverage you requested, we will inform you as to when such coverage will be effective. Under no circumstances will coverage be effective prior to this date. Payment of a premium contribution with your application does not mean that there is any insurance in force before the effective date as determined by New York Life.

Questions? Call toll-free 1-866-331-0180

When program experience has been good New York Life Insurance Company will periodically return excess premiums in the form of dividends to the AOA as the policyholder. The AOA will retain these dividends in a Dividend on Deposit Account with New York Life. The AOA will in turn periodically make these dividends available through premium credits to existing insureds in the programs which generated the dividends. Sufficient reserves will be retained by the AOA in the Dividend on Deposit Account to cover administrative and marketing costs generated by the New York Life Insurance Programs sponsored by the AOA. These programs are administered together to take advantage of the savings resulting from this integrated approach.

Administrative expenses incurred by the AOA to provide the valuable membership benefits resulting from these sponsored insurance programs are reimbursed from available program dividends, however they are not guaranteed. New York Life may also, out of premium, pay a reasonable fee to the AOA for making AOA assets available to it to promote these programs to the membership. These assets include the AOA Intellectual Property Rights and mailing lists of eligible members.

Endorsed By: The AOA

Administered by:
AGIA Insurance Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 26860
Phoenix, AZ 85068

A.G.I.A., Inc., is licensed/authorized to transact business in all 50 United States, and the District of Columbia. Their state of domicile is California. Matthew Bishop California Agent insurance license number is 0F00863. Matthew Bishop Arkansas Agent insurance license number is 8493373.

The Group Business Overhead Expense Insurance is underwritten by:
New York Life Insurance Company
51 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010
under Group Policy G-29336-3 on
Policy Form GMR-FACE/ G-29336-3

New York Life is licensed/authorized to transact business in all the 50 united states, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Please note that this coverage is not available in all states.
New York Life Insurance Company’s state of domicile is New York and their NAIC ID # is 66915.

Printable Application

No Hassle


As soon as your benefit request is approved, we’ll mail your Certificate of Insurance outlining the terms and conditions of this AOA business coverage. Take up to 30 days to look it over. If it wasn’t what you had in mind, mail back the Certificate, without claims and your insurance will be invalidated.


With the AOA’s Group Business Overhead Expense Insurance, you can apply for up to $15,000.00 in monthly benefits to help cover your office expenses if an injury or illness leave you unable to work as a doctor of optometry.

Just download the Application Form on this website. Then complete, sign and date your application and mail it to: The AOA Group Business Overhead Expense Insurance, P.O. Box 26860, Phoenix, AZ. 85068.

Printable Application

Apply through our online portal today!

  1. Visit the link below to view the online application.
  2. Please complete all fields on the online form.
  3. Conveniently submit your application online.


If you do not wish to apply online, you may download either the application below and mail in your completed application using the instructions below or you may download the web editable application to upload online.


Apply for Your AOA Benefits Now


You are under no obligation today.

Your official Certificate of Insurance outlines the terms and conditions of this AOA program. Take up to 30 days to look it over. If it’s not what you had in mind, mail back the Certificate for a 100% refund; less any claims paid.

Terms Of Use



Information contained in or accessed from this A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates website is provided on an “as is” basis. A.G.I.A., Inc. does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of this information, and expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions in this information. No warranties of any kind are given in connection with this information, express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, or freedom from computer virus. In no event will A.G.I.A., Inc. be liable for any direct or indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages, losses (including lost profits), or expenses arising out of or in connection with use of its website, any failure of performance, interruption, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, loss of data or otherwise, even if A.G.I.A., Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damages, losses or expenses.


All information contained in this A.G.I.A., Inc. website, including product and carrier information, policy premiums, terms and product fees, is for informational purposes only and is subject to change at any time without prior notice. Your eligibility for particular products or services is subject to final determination and acceptance by the underwriting company. Complete product information, including terms and conditions of coverage, is provided at the time of application.


The following defined terms are used in these Terms and Conditions:

“Payee” means the merchant or other entity to which you authorize a bill payment to be directed.

“Payee Account” means the billing account with the merchant or other entity to which you authorize a bill payment to be directed. It may be represented by an account number, policy number, access number or code, or other number used by the merchant to identify your account.

“Payment Instruction” means your instruction and authorization to make a bill payment to a Payee.

“Payment Account” means the bank account that you authorize A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates to debit by electronic funds transfer when you make your bill payment using account information from your personal checking or savings account.

“Payment Card” means the credit card or debit card that you instruct A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates to charge to pay your bill payment.

“Business Day” means Monday through Friday, excluding Federal Reserve holidays.


When you initiate a Payment instruction, you authorize A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates to charge your payment card or debit your payment account and remit funds to the Payee. If we are unable to obtain funds for a bill payment for any reason associated with your Payment Card or Payment Account (for example, there is not a sufficient balance available on your Payment Card or in your Payment Account to cover the transaction), then we will not be able to complete your bill payment transaction. If there is a problem in processing your Payment Instruction, A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates may attempt to contact you, using the telephone number you have provided to A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates.

If A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates makes a bill payment to your Payee Account but is unable to obtain funds for that payment from your Payment Card or Payment Account, you agree that your bill payment to your Payee Account will be reversed.

You agree that from time to time the Payment services contemplated under this Agreement may be inaccessible or inoperable for any reason, including, without limitation: (i) equipment malfunctions; (ii) periodic maintenance procedures or repairs which may be undertaken from time to time; or (iii) causes beyond A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates control or which are not reasonably foreseeable to A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates.


A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates will use commercially reasonable efforts to process your bill payments in accordance with your Payment Instructions. However, A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates shall incur no liability if a bill payment is not made in a timely manner or if it is unable to complete any payments initiated by you through the A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates Bill Payment Service because of the existence of any one or more of the following circumstances:

  • Sufficient funds are not available through your Payment Account or your Payment Card;
  • Failure of any Payee to account correctly for or credit the payment in a timely manner, or otherwise mishandle or delay the payment;
  • The A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates Bill Payment Service is not working properly and you know or have been advised by A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates about the malfunction before you execute the transaction;
  • You do not provide A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates with all required information to complete the bill payment, such as your correct name, telephone number, or your complete and correct Payee account information; or
  • Circumstances over which A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates has no control including, but not limited to large-scale technical malfunctions, including, but not limited to loss of access to the Internet or loss of access to the Federal Reserve System, prolonged outages of phone lines, electricity or similar infrastructure, acts of God, war, riot, civil disobedience or similar events of insurrection, governmental or court orders, regulatory or legislative changes by any local, state or federal governmental agency, strikes, work stoppages, or other similar occurrences or circumstances.


In the absence of any of the exclusions set forth above, it shall be A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates responsibility to correct any transactions not completed in accordance with your Payment Instructions. In the event that A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates is unable to correct the transaction, we shall refund the amount of funds received from you and this refund shall constitute your sole remedy. In no event shall A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates liability to you ever exceed the amount of funds that we receive from your Payment Account or Payment Card for a bill payment. The foregoing shall constitute A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates entire liability and your exclusive remedy. The use of this payment service is at your sole risk. In no event shall A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates be liable for any other loss, injury, or damages, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or exemplary, including lost profits (even if advised of the possibility thereof) arising in any way out of your use of the bill payment service. Except as otherwise explicitly set forth herein, we specifically disclaim and you understand that we make no warranties or representations of any kind, expressed or implied and the same are hereby excluded from these terms and conditions and all transactions contemplated hereby. Some states prohibit the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, thus this limitation of liability may not apply to you.


A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates Bill Payment Service has been designed in compliance with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) data security standards so that no one can access your Payment Account without proper user authentication. If you use this site, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information, including your Payment Account number, and for restricting access to your computer, and you agree to accept responsibility for all activities you initiate or that you authorize to be initiated or that are authorized utilizing your payment account or from your computer. You are solely responsible for all bill payments you authorize using Bill Payment Service. If you permit other persons to use your Bill Payment Service or your bill payment authentication responses or other means to initiate a Payment Instruction on your behalf, you are solely responsible for any transactions they authorize.

If you believe that your authentication information or other personal information have been lost or stolen or that someone may attempt to use your Bill Payment Service without your consent, you must notify A.G.I.A., Inc. at once by calling (800) 424-5181 during normal customer service hours.


Transaction charges, if any, for using the Bill Payment Service may vary depending upon the Payee and permissible charges allowed in a particular state. These charges will be disclosed to you prior to your Payment Instruction. By submitting your Payment Instruction, you agree to pay these transaction charges. There may be a charge for additional transactions and other optional services. You agree to pay such charges and authorize A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates to charge your designated Payment Card or debit your Payment Account for these amounts and any additional charges that may be incurred by you. You are responsible for any and all fees and charges that you may incur.


These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the state of California without regard to that state’s conflicts of laws provisions and by applicable Federal laws and regulations.


No delay or omission by us in exercising any rights or remedies under these Terms and Conditions will impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver of any such right or remedy. If we exercise any right or remedy, in whole or in part, that exercise will not prevent us from any further or future exercise of such right or remedy or any other right or remedy. No waiver will be valid unless in writing signed by us.


  1. By entering this website and agreeing to be bound by this Agreement, you are providing your affirmative consent to the use of an electronic signature to authenticate the insurance transaction in electronic form. You understand and agree that the insurance company will rely on your electronic signature to process and effect insurance transactions.
  2. You acknowledge that you understand that you are not obligated to enter into transactions electronically and that you have a right to conduct insurance transactions in paper format if you wish. By entering this website and agreeing to be bound by this Agreement, you affirmatively consent to conduct transactions in electronic form. If you wish to conduct insurance transactions in paper form, please contact your association/policyholder or its representatives. There is no charge to you for requesting a paper transaction.
  3. When you have successfully entered your enrollment information and have selected “I Accept” on the website confirmation page, you will be given the opportunity to print a paper copy of your insurance elections free of charge. Please print a paper copy of your insurance elections for your records because if you will not be able to access your enrollment information on the Site after your enrollment. If you wish to confirm or make changes to your coverage or beneficiary elections after your enrollment, you must contact the A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates Endorsed Insurance Program Office of Administration. You understand and agree that requests for change submitted to Carrier or the Site will not be valid or take legal effect after the end of your enrollment.
  4. Once you have given consent for an electronic transaction, you may withdraw your consent only if Carrier has not taken action in reliance on your consent. To update your contact information or to withdraw your consent to an electronic transaction, you may contact your Administrator by calling (800) 424-5181. There is no fee charged for such requests. However, your withdrawal of consent shall not diminish the legal effectiveness or enforcement of any transaction agreed to prior to your withdrawal of consent. If you withdraw consent after your enrollment, your insurance will remain effective until your request for cancellation is received by the group policyholder or its representative.
  5. You agree that your electronic signature authorizes The Underwriting Carrier(s) or its authorized representatives:
    1. to process this insurance transaction at your request and any future transactions that may be needed to administer and help keep in force your coverage under the insurance policy. For example, we will rely on your electronic signature to authorize us to process your request for insurance coverage(s) and beneficiary designation(s) made during your enrollment.
    2. to process, as applicable:
      1. a billing transaction, including but not limited to: processing a payment by credit card using the credit card number you have provided; processing an electronic bank draft using the checking account number you have provided; or sending you a billing statement at the address you have provided; or
      2. a billing transaction with your financial institution to deduct the appropriate amount from your account.
    3. to communicate with you by mail, telephone or electronically by sending to you communications including, but not limited to, any and all types of electronic communication by email, fax, mail and telephone.
  6. After you enroll, you understand and agree that you will not have access to your electronic enrollment record. You may print a confirmation of your enrollment election at the time of enrollment, or you may contact your Administrator for confirmation after your enrollment period ends.


You represent and warrant to A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates that: (a) you over the age of eighteen (18) and have the power and authority to enter into an perform your obligations under this Agreement; (b) all information provided by you to A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates is truthful, accurate and complete; (c) you are the authorized signatory of the credit or charge card provided to pay fees contemplated herein; (d) you shall comply with all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and (e) you have provided and will continue to provide accurate and complete registration information, including, without limitation, your legal name, address and telephone number.


A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates provide information and services on this website, and all layouts, materials, designs, and images on this website are copyrighted or proprietary to A.G.I.A., Inc., its affiliated companies and/or third party service providers. As a condition of your use of this website and the services, you agree that you will not use the contents of this website in any other website or in a network computer environment. All uses of this website apart from educational, informational and enrollment purposes are strictly prohibited.

In addition, as a further condition of your use of this website and the services, you agree that you will not use the website or services to infringe the intellectual property rights of A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates in any way; use the website or services to modify or manipulate the website or services or any of A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates hardware or software to invade the privacy of, or obtain private information concerning any enrollee or applicant of Carrier, or to erase or damage any information contained on the computer or the information of any user connected to this website or the services, or to reveal any portion of this website or the services. Furthermore, you agree that you will not use the website or services to introduce viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other malicious, destructive or harmful codes or programs, and you agree that you will take every precaution not to introduce these harmful codes into the website and services.

You agree that the materials and services on this website are provided “as is” and for informational purposes only. You understand that neither Carrier nor A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates makes any representations or warranties that the materials are suitable for your needs, are complete, timely, reliable, or are free from errors, inaccuracies or typographical mistakes. The information contained on this website was believed to be accurate at the time it was placed on the website. Carrier and A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates periodically update the information on the website, but disclaim any responsibility to do so. Therefore, you understand and agree that Carrier and A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates take no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy or applicability of the information at the time it may be accessed and that Carrier and A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability of fitness for a particular purpose or of non-infringement of other’s rights.

You understand and agree that neither Carrier nor A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates is engaged in rendering legal, tax, insurance benefits or any other advice through this website or services. Your insurance needs are highly individual, and Carrier and A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates do not represent themselves as giving financial advice or advice on your individual insurance needs through this website and services. You understand and agree that you should consult your own attorney and financial advisor(s) for advice in these areas.

You understand and agree that the information on Carrier’s insurance products as described in this website is not complete and does not change or affect the insurance policies as actually issued. Although you have been provided with a description of benefits, you understand that only the insurance policy issued to the policyholder (your association) can fully describe all of the provisions, terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions of your insurance coverage. In the event of any difference between the information on the website and services, the benefit highlights, and the insurance policy, the terms of the insurance policy apply.

You understand and agree that insurance will not be valid or in force with respect to you or your dependents if any such person is not eligible in accordance with the terms of the group policy issued to your association/policyholder. You acknowledge and agree that if group participation requirements are not met, the insurance policy will not be issued and the elected coverage(s) will not be in force.

You understand that this website and the Payment services contemplated hereunder may be performed by third-party vendors.

If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be illegal or unenforceable, then such provision will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible and the other provisions will remain fully effective and enforceable.

If you choose not to accept these Terms of Service, you will not be enrolled. You acknowledge that you have read the A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates Privacy Policy on the A.G.I.A., Inc. and/or its affiliates website.


Rates quoted online represent the best available rate based on age, gender, state of residence, preliminary health questions and a number of other personal indicators. The rates shown are sample rate quotes, not offers of insurance, and may not be available to all persons, based on the underwriting company’s eligibility requirements. The rates shown are subject to change without notice at any time.


We reserve the right to change or supplement this Terms of Service Agreement at any time by posting the changes on this website. By using this website, you accept the terms and conditions of this Terms of Service Agreement and you agree to review this Terms of Service Agreement from time to time to stay informed of changes that may occur. This Terms of Service Agreement also applies to personal information that we maintain on former customers.

Privacy Policy

AGIA Privacy Policy

AGIA Affinity (“AGIA”), believes protecting privacy of internet users visiting our website, (the “Site”), is of the utmost importance to ensure your trust in the programs we offer. AGIA’s Privacy Policy will inform you of the ways in which the Site collects personal information, the uses to which that information will be put, and the ways in which AGIA will protect any personal information you choose to provide us. For the purposes of this Policy, personal information that can be used to identify you or your activities on the Site of information about you which you provide to AGIA through services offered on the Site.

In many cases, AGIA will collect personal information on behalf of our commercial clients in accordance to a contract. In these circumstances, we act as a “Service Provider” or “Processor” to our clients under applicable privacy laws and are obligated to process personal information in accordance with clients’ instructions. In any case where AGIA is acting as a Service Provider or processor to our client, if you wish to exercise any of the rights outlined in this Policy, you should direct your request to our client, who is the party responsible for receiving, assessing, and responding to your requests. If a request is submitted directly to AGIA in a scenario where we only process your information in the role of Service Provider or Processor, AGIA may deny your request. If unsure, clarification of AGIA’s role regarding your personal information can be requested at anytime by contacting AGIA directly using the contact information described in this notice.

AGIA’s Privacy Policy applies solely to data collected via the Site. There may be additional personal information that we have or collect about you or your company pursuant to other relationships which is subject to other agreements and rules.

We take the privacy of your personal information very seriously and we will use your personally identifiable information only in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. Personally Identifiable Information (“Personal Information”) means any information that could reasonably be used to identify you, including your name, address, birth dates, financial information, telephone number, social media contact information, or any combination of information that could be used to identify you. We will not sell or rent your personally identifiable information or a list of our customers to third parties. However, as described in more detail below, there are limited circumstances in which some of your information will be shared with third parties under strict restrictions, so it is important for you to review this Policy. This Privacy Policy applies to all services that are offered through the Site.

By accepting this Privacy Policy, you expressly consent to our use and disclosure of your personal information in the manner described in this Privacy Policy. By consent, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood this Privacy Policy and agree to be bound by it. If you do not agree with the terms of the Privacy Policy, please do not access our website. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and subject to the terms of the website Terms of Service. The following discloses our website information gathering and use practices and is limited to the protection and use of personal information collected by us in the online environment. Your access to and use of our website are subject to this Privacy Policy and any other terms of use or policies posted by us.

Please review this privacy statement carefully to understand what information we collect on the website, how it is used, and how you can work with us if you have a concern about your privacy.

Personal Information We Collect

There is an opportunity on our website for you to voluntarily provide us with personal information for inquiring about AGIA’s business. For example, we will need personal information from you when you submit a question online, or request product information. This information includes your name and e-mail address. We use your voluntarily provided personal information to provide you exceptional service and to create a more meaningful visit for you at this website. You may also choose to apply for a job with AGIA and submit a job application via our career site at . Any personal information you send AGIA will be used only for the purpose indicated on the careers site or in this statement.

By providing us with personal information so we may assist you on this website, you are “opting-in” to receive future communication from the website concerning information on products, promotions, or other services that we believe would be of interest to you. If, at any time, you receive a communication from the website that is unrelated to a transaction you have initiated, and you would like not be contacted again, please contact us using the procedures outlined below under “Questions About Your Information” to “opt-out” from future communications.

We reserve the right to use your personal information for market research purposes to better serve you but we will not sell your voluntarily provided information and will not share it with unauthorized persons or organizations.

When you visit this website, we collect and store non-identifying information about your visit. The information we collect may include the time and length of your visit, the pages you look at on our site, and the site you visited just before coming to ours. We may also record the name of your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or your Internet Protocol (IP) Address. We use this aggregate information to measure site activity as well as to generate ideas for enhancing our website to serve you. This information is not specific to any individual and is anonymized to prevent personal identification.

How We Use Your Personal Information

Internal Uses

We collect, store and process your personal information on servers located in the United States. We use the information we collect about you in order to provide our services, process your transactions, and provide customer service. We provide access to personal information about our customers only to those employees who require it to provide our services, process customer payments and provide customer service.

  • Cookies: We may utilize website cookies to collect information for the purposes of Site functionality, analytics, advertising, IP addresses only where strictly necessary. A cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier, which is sent to your browser from a website’s computer and stored on your computer’s hard drive but cannot read data from your hard drive. Cookies can be used to provide you with relevant content and to make it easier for you to use a website upon a future visit. We may include cookies on our website and use them to recognize you when you return to our website. You may set your browser so that it does not accept cookies; however, certain features of our sites may not function properly or be available if your browser is configured to disable cookies.

  • Web Beacons: Some pages on our site, as well as pages where our banner ads appear, and certain emails we send, may contain electronic images known as Web beacons, or single-pixel GIFs. These Web beacons collect certain types of non-personally identifiable information, such as a visitor’s cookie number, time and date of a page view, and a description of the page where the Web beacon is placed. The Web beacons are used to compile and aggregate statistics that help us improve the effectiveness of our advertising and make our site easier to use. The information collected using these Web beacons does not identify individual users to our site.

AGIA Personal Information Processing

Because AGIA offers various insurance and non-insurance products and services, it should be noted that the information below may not be applicable in all circumstances, data elements are dependent on the individual customer relationship.

Personal Information Category


Source Categories

Business Purpose for Collection

Third Parties With Whom we May Share Personal Information

Government-Issued Identifiers

 State ID Card
 Driver’s License

 Directly from you (or a member who named you as beneficiary)
 Employer, Plan Sponsor, or their Administrator
 Third Parties Insurance Carriers and/or Agents and Brokers

 Quotes for products and services
 Policy Administration and/or Claims processing
 AGIA services to the client
 Direct Marketing
 Communication with Individuals

 Insurance Underwriter
 Service Providers

Contact Information

 Company or School Name
 Mailing Address
 E-Mail Address
 Telephone Numbers

 Directly from you (or a former member who named you as beneficiary)
 Employer, Plan Sponsor, or their Administrator
 Third Parties Insurance Carriers and/or Agents and Brokers

 Quotes for products and services
 Policy Administration and/or Claims processing
 AGIA services to the client
 Direct Marketing
 Communication with Individuals

 Service Providers

Individual Identifiers

 Sexual Orientation
 Marital Status
 Veteran Status
  Physical or Mental Disability

 Directly from you (or a former member who named you as beneficiary)
 Employer, Plan Sponsor, or their Administrator
 Third Parties Insurance Carriers and/or Agents and Brokers

 Quotes for products and services
 Policy Administration and/or Claims processing
 AGIA services to the client
 Direct Marketing
 Communication with Individuals

 Service Providers

Other Identifiers

 Policy Number
 Employee/member ID Number

 Directly from you
 Employer, Plan Sponsor, or their TPA
 Third Parties
  Insurance Carriers and/or Agents and Brokers

 Quotes for products and services
 Policy Administration and/or Claims processing
 AGIA services to the client
 Direct Marketing
 Communication with Individuals

 Insurance Underwriter
 Service Providers

Financial Information

 Financial Account Numbers
 Credit Card Numbers (Payment Card Data)
 Consumer Reporting Data
 Insurance Account Numbers

 Directly from you
 Employer, Plan Sponsor, or their TPA

 Policy Administration

 Service Providers

Health Information

 Inferred Data (Health)
 Status of Disability
 Data collected by a Healthcare Provider or Health Insurance Company Subject to HIPAA or CMIA
 Payment Information for Healthcare Services
 Information About a Consumer’s Diagnosis or Treatment for Health Conditions
 Patient records, clinical trial records

 Directly from you
 Employer, Plan Sponsor, or their TPA
 Third Parties
  Insurance Carriers, Agents or Brokers

 Policy Administration and/or Claims processing
 AGIA services to the client
 Communication with Individuals

 Service Providers

Policy Information

  Any Policy or Documentation or Subsequent Information Submitted to AGIA in Order to Obtain Quotes for a Product or Service

 Directly from you (or from a current or former plan member who named you as a beneficiary)
 Employer, Plan Sponsor, or their TPA
 Third Parties
  Insurance Carriers, Agents or Brokers

 Quotes for products and services
 Policy Administration and/or Claims processing
 AGIA services to the client
 Direct Marketing
 Communication with Individuals

 Service Providers

Employment-Related Information

 Job/Role Titles
 Resume with Work History

 Directly from you
 Employer, Plan Sponsor, or their TPA

 Policy Administration and/or Claims processing

 Service Providers

Commercial Information

 Service Records
 Personal Property
 Customer Service Records
 Communication Preferences
 Other Preferences

 Directly from you (or from a current or former plan member who named you as a beneficiary)
 Employer, Plan Sponsor, or their TPA
 Third Parties
 Insurance Carriers, Agents, or Brokers

 Quotes for products and services
 Policy Administration and/or Claims processing
 AGIA services to the client
 Direct Marketing
 Communication with Individuals

 Service Providers
  Non-Client Business Partners

Audio, Video, or Other Media

 Customer Service Call Center Recordings

 Directly From You

 Quotes for products and services
 Policy Administration and/or Claims processing
 AGIA services to the client
 Direct Marketing
 Communication with Individuals

 Service Providers

Disclosure to Third Parties

This website does not sell or rent any of your personal information to affiliates or unaffiliated third parties. We will not share any of your personal information with third parties except in the circumstances described below or with your permission.

 We disclose personal information with third parties or affiliates that we in good faith believe are appropriate to enable them to provide services to you and to contact you regarding additional products and/or services that you have expressed an interest.

 Cooperation in investigations of suspected fraud or other illegal activity, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, or to conduct investigations of violations of the -site’s Terms of Use or the Terms of Service Agreement, or as otherwise required by law. This may also include protecting and defending the rights, property, or safety of AGIA, other users of this Site or responding to claims that any content violates the rights of third parties.

 Certain federal, state and local laws or government regulations may require us to disclose non-public personal information about you. In these circumstances, we will use reasonable efforts to disclose only the information required by law, subpoena or court order to be disclosed.

 We disclose information to your agent or legal representative (such as the holder of a power of attorney that you grant, or a guardian appointed for you).

 As with any other business, it is possible that in the future we could merge with or be acquired by another company. If such an acquisition occurs, the successor company would have access to personal information maintained by us, including customer account information, but would continue to be bound by this Privacy Policy unless and until it is amended.

 As otherwise permitted by federal or state law.

Do Not Track

 Some internet browsers offer the user a “Do Not Track” technology.  The Do Not Track (DNT) header is the HTTP header field DNT that requests that a web application disable either its tracking or cross-site user tracking of an individual user.  At the current time, this Site does not have the capability of recognizing a “Do Not Track” request.


 The website does not automatically recognize your e-mail address. You only receive e-mail from us if you check a box indicating an interest in a particular e-list or if you provide an e-mail address for a customer service inquiry and need an answer via e-mail. We collect the e-mail addresses of those who communicate with us via e-mail and online forms, including those who specifically check a box to subscribe on our online forms (for example, request for information on this website). Any user who signs up for e-mails can unsubscribe or manage his/her subscription by linking to the personal URL e-mailed to all subscribers. Every e-mail sent also includes information about how to stop receiving e-mails from us.

 We do not share the e-mail addresses we collect with similar benefits organizations.

Links to Other Sites

 For the convenience of our visitors and customers, this website may contain links to other sites. While we generally try to link only to sites that share similar high standards and respect for privacy, we are not responsible for the content, products or services offered or the privacy and security practices employed by these other sites.

 AGIA is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of linked websites or their use. Once you leave the Site using an external link, you should refer to those websites’ privacy policies, terms of use, and practices in order to evaluate how they will handle any information they collect from you.

Questions About Your Information

If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about this Privacy Policy in general or questions related to your personal information, please contact AGIA customer service at (800) 424-5181, via e-mail at, or, if you would prefer to communicate with us by regular mail, please use the following address:

AGIA Affinity
Office of Administration
P.O. Box 26450
Phoenix, AZ 85068

To protect your privacy, any personal information we obtain from you is protected using the best available technology. Your product information requests are encrypted when sent to our customer service center for fulfillment; we use a secure server to safeguard the information you provide to us when asking a customer service question and when you enroll online; and all online enrollment information fulfilled by our customer service center is protected by Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to ensure your data is encrypted and safe from view by unauthorized parties.

In order to ensure secure web pages in your browser using SSL, we’ve acquired a security certificate from one of the Internet’s leaders in secure web technology verification. The Security Certificate SecureSite seal ensures that we are handling all of your transaction information securely and with the utmost care.

California Consumer Privacy Act and California Privacy Rights Act: Privacy Policy for California Residents

  This section of the Privacy Policy describes the rights of California residents under the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”) and the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (“CPRA”). The CCPA and CPRA requires that we provide privacy information to California residents and we use this separate section to ensure compliance with the CCPA and CPRA requirements. This section applies solely to natural persons residing in California (“Consumers”), and does not apply to individuals living elsewhere, businesses or other corporate entities.

Sale of Personal Information

  Personal Information is information that identifies, relates to or could reasonably be linked with a particular California resident or household. We do not sell your personal information.  The CCPA and CPRA requires disclosure of this fact.

Your Rights Under the California Consumer Privacy Act and California Privacy Rights Act

Right to Confirm or Access Information

  You may have the right to confirm whether we process certain information or what information we process, and to obtain a copy of that information in a format that allows you to transmit the information to another business without difficulty.

  Once we receive and confirm your identity and verifiable consumer request, we will disclose to you the following at your direction (with various exceptions):

a)  The categories of personal information we collected about you in the last 12 months;

b)  The categories of sources for the personal information we collected about you in the last 12 months;

c)  Our business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling that personal information;

d)  The categories of third parties with whom we share that personal information;

e)  The specific pieces of personal information we collected about you;

f)  If we sold or disclosed your personal information for a business purpose a list of the personal information types that each category of recipient purchased; and

g)  If we disclosed your personal information to a third party for a business purpose, a list of the personal information types that each category of recipient received.

Right to Delete Personal Information

  You have the right to request that AGIA delete any of your personal information we collected from you and retained, with certain exceptions. You will need to submit a valid and verifiable request so AGIA can confirm your identity and/or authorization to make such a request. AGIA will determine if retaining the information is permitted or required under the law. If no retention conditions apply, we will delete your personal information from our records and direct any Service Providers to do the same.

Right to Correct Personal Information

  Taking into consideration the nature of the personal information and the purposes of the processing of your personal information, you may have the right to correct inaccuracies in such information. Upon submission to AGIA of a valid and verifiable request where your identity and authorization can be confirmed, AGIA will use all reasonable efforts to correct the inaccurate information.

Right to Limit Processing of Sensitive Personal Information

  AGIA processes sensitive personal information only as necessary in performance of our services to ensure the security and integrity of your information or as otherwise specified under regulation. Because AGIA does not process your sensitive personal information for other purposes, there is not a mechanism for you to limit the processing of this information.

Right to Opt-Out of Profiling

  AGIA does not engage in automated processing of personal information to make decisions that yield legal or other material consequence. Because we do not engage in this processing, AGIA does not provide a mechanism for you to limit our processing of personal information in this manner.

Right to Opt-Out

  AGIA does not sell your personal information; therefore we do not provide a mechanism for you to limit our processing of personal information in such a manner.

Right to Non-Discrimination

  AGIA will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your rights under the CCPA or CPRA. Examples of discrimination could be charging you inflated rates by imposing penalties or granting discounts or other benefits, denying you goods or services or providing you a different level of quality of goods or services.

  Any acts of discrimination are prohibited by the CCPA and CPRA and AGIA will not engage in them.

Personal Information We Collect, Sources and How We Use It

  In our Privacy Policy, sections titled, “Personal Information We Collect”, “How We Use Your Personal Information”, and “AGIA Personal Information Processing” outline the personal information we collect, its sources and how we use it for all consumers we interact with, including California residents. In effect, it is used to provide and manage products and services we provide and support our everyday operations, including risk management, legal and compliance requirements.

Exercising Your Rights as a California Consumer

  You, or a person authorized by you to act on your behalf, or an entity registered with the California Secretary of State and authorized by you to act on your behalf, can make a request regarding your personal information under the CCPA and CPRA. You may also make a request on behalf of your minor child.

  If you would like to exercise your right to request a copy of your personal information or your right to delete your personal information, please contact AGIA customer service by calling (800) 424-5181, by email at, or utilize regular mail by using the following address:

AGIA Affinity
Office of Administration
P.O. Box 26450
Phoenix, AZ  85068

Revisions and Notification of Changes

 We reserve the right to change or supplement this Privacy Policy at any time by posting the changes on this Site. Any changes AGIA makes to this Privacy Policy become effective immediately when the revised Policy is posted on this Site. By using this Site, you accept the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy and you agree to review this Privacy Policy from time to time to stay informed of changes that may occur. This Privacy Policy also applies to personal information that we maintain on former customers. If we make any changes regarding disclosure of personal information to third parties, we will attempt to contact you prior to the date the modified policy is scheduled to take effect. We will post notice of the new Privacy Policy from the privacy links on our Site. Your use of the Site following such change constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by the Privacy Policy as changed.


AGIA does not knowingly collect, use or disclose information of children under the age of thirteen (13) without the consent of their parents or legal guardians. Further, if you are sixteen (16) years of age or older, you have the right to direct us to not sell your personal information at any time. However, AGIA will never knowingly sell or share personal information of children if between 13 to 16 years of age or the parent or guardian of a consumer less than 13 years of age. This Site is not intended for children and any instance where such information was collected would be unintentional.